The Student Health Center provides a clinical chaperone during all sensitive examinations and procedures. A chaperone is a trained person who acts as a support and witness for a patient and a provider during a sensitive exam or procedure.

What is considered a sensitive exam or procedure?

A sensitive examination or procedure includes an examination of, or a procedure involving the genitalia or rectum (regardless of gender) or female breast. Clinical Chaperones can also be provided for other exams or procedures at the patient’s request.

Why do we need a chaperone/assistant?

The chaperone assists the patient and the healthcare provider in completing the sensitive exam or procedure in a safe and respectful manner. The chaperone’s job is to:

  • Protect and enhance the patient’s comfort, safety, privacy, security, and/or dignity during sensitive exams or procedures
  • Provide protection to healthcare professionals against false allegations of improper behavior

Who is the chaperone?

The chaperone is a trained staff member of the Student Health Center. The staff member may be a medical provider, registered nurse or medical assistant. Family members or friends cannot serve as chaperones/assistants