The Student Health Center is an AAAHC accredited clinic on campus staffed by board certified physicians who hold faculty positions at the school of medicine as well as nurse practitioners, physician assistants, nurses and medical assistants who all have interest and training in providing care for young adults.

Medical services

Habif Medical Services provides comprehensive and compassionate care for all students.

Psychiatry services

Psychiatry Services works in collaboration with medical services and counseling services to provide comprehensive diagnosis and treatment of mental health conditions. 

Health Promotion services

Health Promotion works to improve individual and environmental health and well-being at WashU. Health promotion centers health equity using a strategic, collaborative and system-wide approach to create a supportive campus environment and a culture of well-being where students thrive physically, emotionally, and academically.

ADHD treatment

In recent years, the number of students at Washington University requesting evaluation and care for attention deficit-hyperactivity related disorders (ADHD/ADD) has escalated significantly. Providing services to this large and increasing volume of ADHD/ADD patients has made it impossible to maintain the availability of quality psychiatric services for students with immediate mental health needs, potentially putting these high-risk students in jeopardy. 

In March of 2020 the Psychiatry Services suspended the treatment of any new or transferred patients that require the prescription of stimulant medications for treatment of attention deficit-hyperactivity related disorders (ADHD/ADD).

Some examples of the type of medicine used in ADHD/ADD treatment include: 


If you are already receiving stimulant medications, we encourage you to try to continue to work with your current provider. 

Off-campus care for ADD/ADHD

We recommend that you check with your insurance company to see if there are preferred psychiatric providers covered by your plan in the St. Louis area. Please keep in mind that many area psychiatrists have a 2-3 month waiting period for a first appointment.

If you are unsure of a diagnosis of ADHD/ADD you may want to proceed with formal diagnostic testing to confirm the diagnosis. Formal testing is performed by a psychologist and may be needed to establish the diagnosis. Please keep in mind that psychologists cannot prescribe medication for ADHD/ADD-see our Psychiatric Referrals. As a rule, diagnostic testing is mandatory for any accommodations desired from Wash U Disability Resources or for accommodations on major examinations such as the LSAT, GRE, MCAT, etc. If you are unsure whether/with whom to start an evaluation, we would recommend starting with a psychiatrist, who can then help you decide if formal testing is necessary.

While we are unable to offer assessment and initiation of pharmaceutical treatment of ADHD, CCPS often has psycho educational groups teaching skills to cope with difficulties experienced by people with ADHD. These groups are free and no diagnosis is required.